Electronic Tuning Devices Classes

NOTE: Click on an instructor's name to see a bio.

The Smarter iRCT

Carl Lieberman, RPT - Reyburn Piano Service

Carl is a member of the CyberTuner Development Team, creating, optimizing and expanding the software's capabilities. He is currently the staff piano technician at the Village Recording Studio in West Los Angeles.

We explain the how and why of iRCT. All of its newest features will be presented. Tips on how to get the most out of the software will be explored.

Working with the Accu-Tuner IV

Paul Sanderson, President of Inventronics, Inc.

Paul SandersonPaul has been involved with the production of the Sanderson Accu-Tuner since its beginning in 1982. As Al Sanderson retired from Inventronics, Paul transitioned to be responsible for the Accu-Tuner from development to production and distribution. Paul oversees all phases to assure that the SAT continues to be the finest electronic tuning aid in the industry. When Al passed away in November 2008, the continuation of Inventronics and the Accu-Tuner was already mapped out.

Paul, his wife Wendy and three children have seen quite a change since starting production with Al in the family basement in 1982. Paul, Brian Day and Donna Goulet work together to keep their customers happy.

The Accu-Tuner IV has taken the features of previous Accu-Tuners and with a new brain is moving forward with new features. The new microprocessor lets you have more control over: the tunings, the pitch raising, and yet still retains the accuracy, long battery life and improved durability with a new case. Software for loading tunings to your computer is included with the Accu-Tuner IV. Come and see how you can use the Accu-Tuner IV to lighten your work load.